• Kto nás navštívil?

          Aj tento školský rok sa budeme na strednej škole venovať realizácii rôznych projektov. Jedným z nich bude projekt pod názvom "EDUCATE Slovakia", ktorý je určitou obmenou projektu KEMPELEN. Realizovaný bude v spolupráci s organizáciou AIESEC, ktorá zastrešuje zahraničných stážistov zúčastňujúcich sa projektu.


          Cieľom tohto projektu je "vytvorenie medzinárodného vzdelávacieho prostredia a novej interaktívnej formy vzdelávania, ktorá zvýši záujem študentov o globálne problémy a ich povedomie o iných svetových kultúrach." A taktiež možnosť pre žiakov, ale aj učiteľov komunikovať v cudzom jazyku

          Zdroj:www.aiesec.sk [17.8.2012; 21:01]

          Frekventanti budú z nasledovných krajín: MEXIKO, RUSKO, UKRAJINA a RUMUNSKO.


             PROGRAM 1.10. - 5.10.2012

          III.OA / G - zostáva v III.OA
          IV.OA/G - zostáva v IV.G
          I.SVC - zostáva v I.SVC
          II.SVC - zostáva v II.SVC






















          telocvičňa– spolu


          Denne budú frekventanti začínať treťou vyučovacou hodinou, tzn o 10:00 hod. (3. vyučovacia hodina), budú končiť o 13:30 hod. (6. vyučovacia hodina).


        • KEMPELEN 2011/2012

        • Nesie meno po bratislavskom rodákovi, vynálezcovi  Jánovi Kempelenovi, ktorý zostrojil povestný šachový automat. ’’Turek’’, ako ho volali, zjednocoval svet prostredníctvom hry. Medzi jeho priaznivcov patril aj Napoleon Bonaparte, Benjamin Franklin či Fridrich II. Bola to práve kultúrna rozhľadenosť získaná na štúdiách v Bratislave, Viedni, Gőri a Ríme, ktorá Kempelenovi  umožnila vytvoriť takéto dielo.  Kempenen je projekt určený pre aktívne stredné školyciel



          Jeho cieľom je rozšíriť kultúrne povedomie. Je navrhnutý  tak, aby spestril výučbu, naučil a priniesol študentom nové obzory. Je zložený z prednášok a diskusií  vedených zahraničnými lektormi. Celá výučba prebieha  v anglickom jazyku.


          Priebeh projektu:

          Na začiatku týždňa do Vašej školy zavíta 5 vysokoškolských študentov z rôznych krajín sveta. S cieľom priblížiť sociálnu, ekonomickú, politickú ale aj kultúrnu situáciu vo svojich krajinách. Výuka bude prebiehať formou diskusií, prezentácií, workshopov a to všetko za aktívneho používania anglického jazyka. Harmonogram radi prispôsobíme vašim požiadavkám pričom doba trvania projektu je jeden týždeň.


          Termín konania projektu:

          21. - 25. 11.2011

          A kto nás navštívil?



          My name is April Kuo, and I am from Taiwan. As I mentioned the name of my country, I guess you may probably start to guess:  where is that place?  Does that equal to Thailand?

          Well… of course the answer is “NO”!  And we are not part of China as well. Hence, my mission here is to introduce you everything about my country as best as I can. But first of all, I want to introduce myself a bit so that you will have brief understanding about me. 


          I  am  an  open-minded  person  who  does  have  sense  of  humor. Personally, I like to share with others; I trust people and can be trusted in the same way.  Most  of  the  time,  I  am quite  easygoing,  happy  and  interesting.  I  remember  my favorite subjects at high school were math and literature, but  then  I  studied  Economics  and  other  business-related subjects at National Taiwan University (NTU), which is one of the top 3 schools in Taiwan. Though I am not always the best  student  in  class,  I  studied  hard,  and  even  played harder.  I  like  to  hang  out  with  friends  just  like  most young  people  do,  I  have  wide  interests  in  sports,  music, movies,  books,  learning  languages,  and  all  kind  of  arts. But  what  really  builds  my  personality  and  effects  every action  I  make  is  –  I  love  to  try  new  things,  especially those  seem  like  to  be  great  challenges  to  me,  which  may cause positive influence on me and allow me, myself to grow better.   


          Therefore, I join the KEMPELEN project, and I have strong passion toward it.  The  first  reason  I  think  I  just mentioned above, the second reason is that I love Taiwan; I am  proud  of  Taiwan,  and  that  makes  me  want  to  make  more people  -  not  just  “hear”  but  understand  my  country  more deeply.  Besides,  I  also  hope  that  I  can  learn  from  you, include to experience the way you live, to understand the history,  the  culture,  and  the  spirit  of  Slovakia,  and either to know you better through this once-in-the-lifetime chance.  I am sure I can share with you whatever I know, or even teach you some Chinese.

           Yours sincere


          Hello,  my  name  is  Flavia  Carbonieri,  I’m  25  years  old  and  I  am from Maringá, Paraná – Brazil. I’ve studied Psychology, and I was working with human resources in an agro industry when I decided to quit the job to make the development traineeship in Slovakia.

          I’m the oldest daughter of four; I have two brothers (one is adopted) and one sister. My parents are engineers and we are a Catholic family.  Part of my family came from Italy but I’ve never been out of Brazil.

          This  is  my  first  trip  and  I’d  like  you  to  know  that  I’m  really  happy  and enjoying  the  idea  of  living  in  Slovakia  for  one  month  and  I  can’t  wait  to meet you all.

          I like pets (I have a black cat), like spending time with my family and watching movies, series and documentaries. I also like sports, my favorite is running but I’m “grounded” for a few months cause I had a knee problem and I seriously hope I can start running again soon (slowly).

          Well, Slovakia seems to be a great country with an amazing story and I’d  like to  learn with  you all about  it and  I’m looking forward to show you how great and beautiful Brazil is too.

          I think that’s all for now...


          Flavia Carbonieri

           My name is VELISLAVA IVANOVA IVANOVA and I would like to apply for one month and a half internship in Bratislava, Slovakia. I am   from Bulgaria- one of the biggest producers of rose oil in the world. It's a country in Southeastern Europe and is situated on Balkan Peninsula. To the north the country borders Rumania, to the east –the Black Sea, to the south-Turkey and Greece, and to the west-Yugoslavia and Macedonia.


          I am currently pursuing my master degree in International Tourism in Plovdiv University “Paisii  Hilendarski”. I graduated Bulgarian and Greek language in the same university last year and this is my bachelor degree. I have worked as a teacher in my country and I have experience in the sphere of tourism. I have worked abroad as well, in USA and it was great and unforgettable time for me! My native language is Bulgarian. I speak fluent English and Greek language. I have 1st certificate in English from the University of Cambridge .My goal is to work in the sphere which I graduated, to improve my possibilities. I am very ambitious, enthusiastic and hard-working and I look forward to get more experience and practice in beautiful Slovakia.


          My hobbies are travelling, photography, languages and literature, music (let me emphasize on classical music). I am good at photography because I've worked in an old time photo studio in USA. As for classical music, this was my major in my high school and languages and literature, my major in the university.


          I believe that I will reveal to you all small secrets, wonders and challenges of travelling in my country, history, traditions, culture and modern life of our ancient and hospitable people and anything you might be interested to know and bring you in touch with the magic and charm of Bulgarian scenery. I am very happy I am coming in Slovakia and together let's take a closer look at my enchanting country!


          I look forward to meeting all of you!

          Best regards, Velislava  Ivanova

               My name is Veronica Giuffrida, I am a 24 years old student from the South of Italy, Sicily. I'm studying Linguistic Mediation and Languages at the University of Catania (bachelor), focusing on English and Japanese languages. I've studied French for 5 years in high school and some basic rules of German. One of my biggest interests is travelling and knowing lots of different cultures from all over the world that is the reason why I've always loved foreign languages. I think that everyone in the world is different but similar at the same time, and all of us can always learn something more about ourself (and about others, of course) by meeting different people, different traditions, thoughts and behaviors. I'm firmly convinced that the only way to understand and really know foreign people and cultures is not studying them, but experiencing their real life for long time, trying to feel and behave like one of them.

               I'm particularly interested in Oriental cultures and their philosophy about life, especially Japanese culture and traditions, Buddhism, Shintoism and other common aspects such as Manga, literature, writing, food and so on.. I love very much music, especially rock and metal, but I like also classic music, country, ska, reggae.. I like singing and I've studied opera for one year. I also like going out and spend a lot of time with my friends, going to concerts, reading, surfing the web, watching movies and playing some relaxing video games.

               I've already been in Bratislava for 6 months (from last February till August), being involved in Erasmus project, and it was definitely the best experience in my life! I know some bases of Slovak language (but really few things) and I felt in love with Bratislava. According to me it is completely different and better than my country, as for habits, culture, organization (school, university, transports), costs of life, respect, civilization, architecture.. Slovak people were really nice and kind with me all the time and I'm really looking forward to going there back again.

               I think this project can be perfect for me because I really like dealing with different cultures, exchanging opinions, thoughts, behaviors, with foreign people and students. One of my goals in life is teaching Italian language and Italian culture to foreigners, so this is a good opportunity to improve and test my capability to teach and talk about culture.

               During my Erasmus time I had the possibility to attend some Italian language classes in Comenius University, assisting the professor during his lessons; it was a really interesting and constructive experience, and it allowed me to know better students and some of their difficulties.

               I expect a lot from this experience, even if it the first time I do such a kind of project, and I'm sure I will learn a lot about dealing with young guys and working in a team with girls of all over the world. I would like also to learn something about Slovak culture and my project mates cultures. Besides this project will be really useful to learn and improve my skills in English and Slovak language. That is why I feel very motivated and I can't wait to begin.

          Veronica Giuffrida